
The Lean Impact Group

Who We Are

Who We Are

Who We Are

Our Purpose:

Guide our clients to ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE
  • Achieve EXCELLENCE in everything they do
  • Develop the internal capability to be self-sustaining and continually improving
  • Create an organization that is a COMMUNITY with aspirational and inspirational shared vision and goals
Nothing drives us more than seeing:
  • A person feel excited about their work because of what we have helped them discover on the road to improving it
  • A person light up because we helped them develop a new capability
  • A team beam with pride as they exceed their customer’s expectations
  • That we have helped create an organization that thrives on excellence, performance, sense of community and enjoyment in the value they create

Our Purpose:

Guide our clients to ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE
  • Achieve EXCELLENCE in everything they do
  • Develop the internal capability to be self-sustaining and continually improving
  • Create an organization that is a COMMUNITY with aspirational and inspirational shared vision and goals
Nothing drives us more than seeing:
  • A person feel excited about their work because of what we have helped them discover on the road to improving it
  • A person light up because we helped them develop a new capability
  • A team beam with pride as they exceed their customer’s expectations
  • That we have helped create an organization that thrives on excellence, performance, sense of community and enjoyment in the value they create

Our Purpose:

Guide our clients to ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE
  • Achieve EXCELLENCE in everything they do
  • Develop the internal capability to be self-sustaining and continually improving
  • Create an organization that is a COMMUNITY with aspirational and inspirational shared vision and goals
Nothing drives us more than seeing:
  • A person feel excited about their work because of what we have helped them discover on the road to improving it
  • A person light up because we helped them develop a new capability
  • A team beam with pride as they exceed their customer’s expectations
  • That we have helped create an organization that thrives on excellence, performance, sense of community and enjoyment in the value they create

Our Mission

Build a relationship with our clients such that we become an extension
of their leadership team. Through this relationship, we mentor, teach, and lead
our clients to ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE in everything they do and EXCEED
their vision and expectations for their Future State.

Our Mission

Build a relationship with our clients such that we become an extension of their leadership team. Through this relationship, we mentor, teach, and lead our clients to ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE in everything they do and EXCEED their vision and expectations for their Future State.

Our Core Values

Results – produce results that propel our customers to new heights

Integrity – meet commitments, always do what is right

Teamwork – we are an extension of the client’s leadership team; their success is all that matters. Collaborate internally.

Excellence – deliver excellence in everything we do

Ownership – act like an owner

Our Mission

Build a relationship with our clients such that we become an extension
of their leadership team. Through this relationship, we mentor, teach, and lead
our clients to ACHIEVE EXCELLENCE in everything they do and EXCEED
their vision and expectations for their Future State.

Our Core Values

Results – produce results that propel our customers to new heights

Integrity – meet commitments, always do what is right

Teamwork – we are an extension of the client’s leadership team; their success is all that matters. Collaborate internally.

Excellence – deliver excellence in everything we do

Ownership – act like an owner

Our Core Values:

Results – produce results that propel our customers to new heights

Integrity – meet commitments, always do what is right

Teamwork – we are an extension of the client’s leadership team; their success is all that matters. Collaborate internally.

Excellence – deliver excellence in everything we do

Ownership – act like an owner